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Distinguish PET And HDPE Plastic Bottle Tips

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-08-03      Origin: Site

Distinguish PET And HDPE Plastic Bottle Tips

Here focus on the PET and HDPE, see he burns with fire and then the first difference is softening then no bubbles, the difference between two, HDPE material after fire, flame is yellow blue, while the PET to orange, this is also very good, the difference between the three is when you move a machine, HDPE will continue to burn, and PET will slowly extinguished, the difference between the four, It's the smell of their smoke. HDPE has a smell of paraffin after burning, which is the smell of burning candles, while PET has a sour taste, which can be identified by combining these four ways. I think we can quickly recognize which is HDPE and which is PET.

Of course, sometimes we have more contact with the bottle, also many times there is no lighter, is a lighter, if there is only a sample, it is not good to pick up to burn it, if it is some purchasing friends in the office, it is not convenient to say point this fire. So what do we do? No hurry, let me tell you a little bit more

1. First take a look at the number on the bottom of the bottle, where the environmental protection Peugeot, you can have a look at the picture below

HDPE plastic bottles

HDPE plastic bottles

PET plastic bottles

PET plastic bottles

2. In addition to the number at the bottom of the bottle, sometimes there is no number on the bottom of the bottle, so we have to look at the structural design of the bottom of the bottle, because of the mould. There is a big difference between PET plastic bottles and HDPE plastic bottles on the bottom of the bottle, that is, the parting line. When you look at the picture, it is not difficult to see that there is a line in the middle of the bottom of the bottle of HDPE plastic bottles, this line is the parting line, and PET plastic bottles are not, this is also the difference

3. look at the mouth of the bottle, HDPE and the mouth of the bottle, because of the different processing technology, there will always be more or less a little bit of rough edge and uneven as long as the careful friends can be observed, and PET bottle mouth because it is blown out of the embryo, so the mouth of the bottle is very smooth and smooth.

4. Even PET bottles can be fully transparent, while HDPE bottles can't be. At most, they can only be 30% transparent.

5. Because the material of PET plastic bottle is relatively hard, and HDPE is relatively soft, so if you have a relatively large and soft PET bottle and HDPE bottle, you should press the bottle body with your finger heavier, and then quickly release your finger. You'll soon notice that, by the way, the PET bottle makes a very crisp folding sound when you press it down and let it go, which HDPE doesn't hear.

There are some other identification methods, you can do more research to look at, put a better definition on the post can be, I will collate together and add to the article.

As long as you can clearly separate the two materials are products. Then other commonly used materials of plastic bottles can be excluded, one by one to read him, so that when you contact more and more, you will be naturally able to distinguish one from the other.